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Based on the qualitative analysis, while Alexa, Siri, Google Home and Cortana are similar in that users have similar opinions and feedback on the functionality of devices, what makes them different from each other depends on the relevant social issue, form of media, and marketing strategy. In addition, it was interesting to see how tweets would often use cue words like “Alexa” or “Siri” in a popular culture context
Overall, though we expected there to be significant differences in our sentiment analysis, the tweets did not reveal any strong preferences or opinions on each assistant. Users were less likely to tweet about the usefulness or functionalities of AI assistants, but would occasionally tweet about privacy concerns regarding traceable audio recordings. 
A further assumption that was made was that there would be preferences for devices based on brand loyalty and perceptions, demonstrated through the increased or decreased quantity in positive or negative sentiments, but the data didn’t support this assumption, and the tweets that were retrieved didn’t express opinions about the companies themselves, rather about the functionality and characteristics of the assistant.

 © 2019 by Helen-Sage Lee. Made for Digital Humanities 150.

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