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Smart Assistants

like Siri, Alexa, Google Home, and Cortana seem to know a lot about us, 

but what do we know about them?


There are many smart assistants out there, all with the intention of making our everyday lives easier. However, with practices like data collection, consumers have been increasingly concerned about their privacy. As artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly incorporated into today’s society, new questions surrounding this technology have also surfaced. How useful are AI assistants? If AI assistants record information from audio clips and provide feedback based on verbal cues, how much personal information do they retain, and do companies have access to this information? If so, what do companies do with this information? How happy are users with the functionality of the product and privacy policies of AI assistants? Consumer perception of each of these assistants are increasingly important in shaping buying decisions and sentiments around each one.


Through this project, our team hopes to examine users’ expectations and feedback on AI personal assistants and see whether this technology is favored or not in the consumer market. Based on the data collected, we hope to learn and make statistical predictions on which functions or elements of AI should be removed, added, fixed, or further developed.


Of the 4 most popular Smart Assistants

which one do users prefer, and why? What is the general user experience of each one?


This project is important because it tackles a pertinent topic in which data on user sentiments are not often made accessible to the general public. Ever since Siri was introduced in iPhones in 2011, AI assistants have become ubiquitous in our mobile devices, our computers, and our phones. However, given the lack transparency of companies behind these AI assistants, users typically have limited knowledge on how their information is being accessed or recorded without their consent. Through sentiment analysis, we hope to bring some of these privacy-related issues, as well as user experience concerns to light. On the other hand, we also hope to highlight some of the functionalities that users most appreciate in these assistants, allowing companies to further develop helpful functions for user benefit.


The intended audience for these data visualizations include customers looking to explore each product, as well as industry professionals looking for insights and feedback from customers. Our interface and visualizations make it easy for both customers and tech industry professionals to explore different devices.


Overall, by conducting relevant research, we hope to provide consumers and industry leaders alike with a holistic overview of sentiments on each AI assistant and allowing them to discern between the positive and negative consumer feedback each device. The information would hopefully allow consumers to choose wisely before purchasing more AI assistants or placing an AI-enabled device in settings that demand higher privacy (e.g. home environments, offices).

Click on an AI Assistant to explore its sentiment analysis.

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 © 2019 by Helen-Sage Lee. Made for Digital Humanities 150.

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